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The list of state wise links for raising complaints with the State/UT police

The list of state wise links for raising complaints with the State/UT police
Sr. No States/UT's Police websites
1 A&N Islands http://citizen.andaman.gov.in/
2 Andhra Pradesh --
3 Arunachal Pradesh http://www.arunpol.gov.in/
4 Assam https://assampolice.assam.gov.in/citizen/login.aspx
5 Chandigarh --
6 Chhattisgarh --
7 DD http://citizen.ddpolice.gov.in/
8 DNH http://citizen.dnhpolice.gov.in/
9 Delhi http://delhipolice.nic.in/
10 Goa https://citizen.goapolice.gov.in/
11 Gujrat https://police.gujarat.gov.in/
12 Haryana http://haryanapoliceonline.gov.in/
13 Himachal Pradesh http://hppolice.gov.in/
14 Jammu & Kashmir http://www.jkpolice.gov.in/
15 Jharkhand https://jofs.jhpolice.gov.in/
16 Karnataka https://policeseva.ksp.gov.in/
17 Kerela --
18 Lakshadweep --
19 Madhya Pradesh http://citizen.mppolice.gov.in/
20 Maharashtra http://www.mhpolice.maharashtra.gov.in/
21 Meghalaya http://citizenportal.meghpol.nic.in/
22 Mizoram --
23 Nagaland --
24 Odisha https://citizenportal-op.gov.in/
25 Puducherry http://citizenportal.police.py.gov.in/
26 Punjab http://ppsaanjh.in
27 Sikkim --
28 Tamil Nadu http://tnpolice.gov.in/
29 Telangana https://www.tspolice.gov.in/
30 Tripura --
31 Uttar Pradesh --
32 Uttarakhand --
33 West Bengal http://policesohaiyota.policewb.gov.in/
34 Bihar NA
35 Manipur NA
36 Rajasthan NA