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Best Practices for Localization of Mobile web applications in Indian Languages

Best Practices for Localization of Mobile web applications in Indian Languages [PDF]1.88 MB

This document discusses various guidelines to help developers to localize their software products / services on Mobiles. This document will benefit new software developers in using the existing technologies together with various initiatives and standards, which will help them, understand the complications involved with various scripts and platforms. A further benefit is better integration and interoperability of products. The document brings to limelight some national as well as international standards currently used in the Localization industry. Various important topics have been touched in this document like Inputting, storage and rendering Indian language data, Unicode migration from legacy data, Usage of Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR), Characters encoding for proper representation on various platforms, Unicode, directionality issues with right to left scripts such as Urdu and the problem of using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS ) in context Indian languages.

Frequently Used Entries for Localization (FUEL) for term consistency as an open source initiative, in context of Indian language has been cited. Various ISO 639 Language Codes have been provided at the end of the document. However, some of the guidelines are generic in nature and may or may not be applicable to mobile platforms.

Last Date of feedback 30th September 2014

Feedback needs to be sent egov.standards AT nic.in